Classified Salary Schedules
To determine salary follow Steps 1 and 2 below:
Step 1 - Find position on the 2017-2018 VVUSD Position/Salary Chart (click below).
2017-2018- VVUSD Position/Salary Chart
Step 2 - Determine membership standing with CalPERS and
find correct salary schedule below.
*Non-members to CalPERS use Salary Schedule SS 200.
Non-members to CalPERS are typically employees who work less than 4 hours per day and/or have no prior membership in any California public retirement system, and/or are not eligible for reciprocity with another California public retirement system. (Click on SS 200 salary schedule below)
2017-2018 Classified Hourly Schedule (SS 200) (Non CalPERS Member)
*CalPERS "Classic" Members use Salary Schedules ending in "C."
Classic Members are employees who obtained CalPERS membership prior to January 1, 2013. (Click on salary schedules ending in C below)
2017-2018 (SS 00C, 05C, 25C, 39C) CalPERS "CLASSIC" Members
2017-2018 (SS 64C) CalPERS "CLASSIC" Members
*CalPERS "New" Members use Salary Schedules ending in "P"
"New" members are employees who were brought into CalPERS membership for the first time on or after January 1, 2013, and/or are rehired by a different CalPERS employer after a break in service of greater than six months, and/or have no prior membership in any California public retirement system, and/or are not eligible for reciprocity with another California public retirement system. (Click on salary schedules ending in P below)
2017-2018 (SS 00P, 05P, 25P, 39P) CalPERS "NEW" Members
2017-2018 (SS 64P) CalPERS "NEW" Members
Supervision Aides
Salary Schedule 207
ADA Compliance Errors0